Say No to Drug Abuse

This is an initiative aimed at the younger generation to aware them of the consequences of drug abuse.
Excessive use of psychoactive drugs, such as alcohol, pain medications or illegal drugs can lead to physical, social, or emotional harm.
Our vision is to see that the youth should not get into the trap of these drugs and we at Being Social- -एक नई शुरुआत put in our conscious and sincere efforts to spread a social awareness on this topic periodically through flash mobs, street acts and role-plays.
Everyone ought to choose the right path to lead a healthy & happy life and it is every citizens’ Individual Social Responsibility to ensure this through our consistent awareness programs.

Road Safety Awareness Program

In this awareness session we create awareness amongst citizens on road safety regulations and guidelines through street plays/skits and by conducting road shows holding road safety slogans.
We also induce citizens to take the road safety pledge of basic civic etiquettes such as give way to ambulance, do not honk unnecessarily on roads and avoid road rage.
We drive these awareness initiatives in mass gathering venues such as malls, colleges, airports, busy streets and traffic signals.

Cleanliness Drive

We go from door to door, talking about the effect of pollution and random waste disposal on the environment and cleanliness and its benefits to our future generations. We also do street wall paintings and convert dirty public areas into clean gardens. We undertake Volunteering sessions, signifying how volunteers play an essential role in the welfare of society.

Flash Mob

We have conducted several flash mobs in several prominent shopping malls across India on the themes like No more rape, Say No to Drug Abuse, Menstrual Hygiene Awareness.