We at Being Social-एक नई शुरुआत help the corporates and institutions in fulfilling their corporate social responsibility, employee engagement, and utilization of their resources in the best possible way for the benefit of society. With multiple projects that we run at Being Social-एक नई शुरुआत, we are always grateful for the support we receive from our Corporate Partners. We work closely with corporates to fulfill their Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) mandates while aiding the overall value for society.


  • Grassroot level planning and implementation
  • Programs that benefit all involved
  • Belief in Outcomes and Solutions
  • Diligence and Time Investment in understanding organizational requirements
    Identification and Curation of initiatives as per organizational objectives
  • End to End Implementation
  • Assessment & Reporting of Impact created

Our process ensures that everything critical to the process and the organization’s requirement is completely taken care of, while the social purpose is honored in its highest regard.
If any corporate is looking for innovative and engaging employee volunteering, we can provide long-term or short-term collaboration. The upsides of the collaboration:

  • Increased sense of employee engagement through various activities
  • Happier employees implying a higher rate of productivity
  • A sense of fulfillment as an organization
  • Help in raising awareness about critical causes
  • Add value to CSR experiences
  • Better employee-employer-organizational connect
  • Local, National & International recognition for its valuable contribution

There are several ways wherein you can lend your support to our initiatives.
You can figure out various opportunities in which you, or your organization can help change the lives of the less fortunate forever.
If you or your organization is interested to collaborate with our work, kindly reach out to us by sending an e-mail at
admin@being-socialens.org Explore suitable volunteering opportunities for individuals and corporates at Being Social-एक नई शुरुआत