Padhayi Nahi Rukegi – Har Bacha Jaayega School – ( School Kits Donation Drive) – Schooling is the first step!
Through this initiative, we help children by providing school kits and counselling them across the country. This initiative helps orphans/less privileged kids/less economic kids and support their education.
We believe education is a fundamental right and each child deserves a quality education. We provide children with a school kit and hygiene kit to continue focusing on their studies without facing any challenge in getting an education.
The main reason for dropping out of school is poverty or minimal resources to afford the education. Children who are academically and economically behind are more exposed to stress, which negatively impacts attention, focus, IQ and social skills. By providing them essential school kits required for their studies, the parents do not find excuses for sending their kids to school or do not push their children into child labor and continue to keep their kids’ morale up.
In this initiative, we donate the following things
  • Stationery items
  • Dresses
  • Water bottles
  • Books
  • Footwear and school bags
We also take responsibility for the school fees of selected children whenever required.